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Cockney's London Dry

The Old Fashioned is a stylish cocktail to sip slowly. According to cocktail historians, it was the first cocktail ever recorded but was only given its name later in the 19th century when the cocktail hype was in full swing. If you wanted a classic cocktail without a lot of garnish and show, an Old Fashioned was your go-to. And that is no different today. A simple but balanced and savory slow sipper.



This cocktail is a blend of bourbon, sugar syrup and angostura bitters.

Type: Distilled gin
ABV: 40%

How to serve?

1. Pour 100ml Alowis Old Fashioned into a whiskey glass over ice

2. Stir gently

3. Squeeze an orange zest over the glass and garnish

4. Ready to serve!

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Enjoy in moderation.

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